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During a project’s planning phase, the high and fluctuating price of raw identified as a risk. After quantitative analysis of two raw materials, item A was chosen instead of item B. During the execution phase, the price of item A rises, making it more expensive than item B.What should the project manager do to resolve this?
在项目规划阶段,原材料的高价格和价格波动被识别为一项风险,在对两种原材料进行定量分析之后,选择了商品A而不是商品B。在执行阶段,商品A的价格上涨,使其比商品B 更昂贵。若要解决这个问题,项目经理应该怎么做?
A.Refer to the risk management plan.查阅风险管理计划
B.Review the cost management plan.审查成本管理计划
C.Inform the sponsor.通知发起人
D.Approach the procurement team.联络采购团队

