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试卷名称 信管网信息安全工程师英语练习试题(1)

Securing network infrastructure is like(  1  )possible en points of attacks on a country by deploying appropriate defense. Computer security is more like providing means to(  2 ) a
single PC against outside intrusion. The former is better and practical to protect the civilians from getting exposed to the attacks. ( 3  )attempt to secure the access to individual computers
…the network itself-thereby protecting the computers and other shared resources such as
printers, network-attached storage connected by the network. Attacks could be stopped at their en points before they spread. As opposed to this, in computer security the measures taken are focused on securing individual computer hosts. A computer host whose security is compromised is likely to infect other hosts connected to a potentially(  4 ). A computer host's security is vulnerable to users with higher (  5  )to those hosts.
(1)A. assuring
B. guarantee
C. securing
D. proving
(2)A. ensure
B. keep
C. support
D. protect
(3)A. The attack means
B. The attack target
C.The cyber security
D.The preventive measures
(4)A. Secure network
B. unsecured network
C. Botnet
D. Vulnerability Network
(5)A. access mechanism
B. Secure access
C. access privileges
D.  access means

