A data warehouse is a subject-oriented data set used for reporting and analusis. Data warehouses can be subdivided into ( ). Which store subsets of data from a warehouse.
A . OLTPs B. transactions C. data marts D. OLAPs
某公司打算向它的三个营业区增设6个销售店,每个营业区至少增设1个,各营业区年增加的利润与增设的销售店个数有关,具体关系如下表所示。可以调整各营业区增设的销售店的个数,使公司总利润增加额最大达( )万元。
A.520 B.490 C.470 D .510
A、B、C、D、E、F、G代表七个村落,村落之间的道路连通情况如下图所示(边上的数据为距离,单位为公里)。这七个村落拟合建一所小学,已知A村有小学生50人、B村有小学生40人、C村有小学生60人、D村有小学生20人、E村有小学生70人、F村有小学生80、G村有小学生100人。则拟合建小学应建在( )村落,才能使学生上学所走的总路程最短。
Your company CEO just sent you an E-mail asking you to make a … on your project , which has been in progress for 10 months , to all Identified internal and external stakeholders. He scheduled the presentation for next Monday.You expect more than 50 people to attend. The first step in preparing the presentation is to ( ).
A. define the audience
B. determine the objective
C. decide on the general form of the presentation
D. plan a presentation strategy
The communication management plan determines the information and communications needs of the stakeholders. In the following statements related to communication management plan. ( ) is false.
A. The communication management plan is contained in or is a subsidiary plan of, the project management plan.
B. The communication management plan can be formal or informal, highly detailed or broadly framed, and based on the needs of the project.
C. The communication manamgement plan organize and summarize the information gathered,and present the results of any analysis as comparedthe performance measurement baseline.
D. The communication management plan can include guidelines project status meetings,project team meetings,e-meetines,and e-mail
Stakeholder management refers to managing communications to satisfy needs of, and resolve issues with,project stakeholders. The ( ) is useful responsible for stakeholder management.
The most crucial time for project risk assessment is ( ).
A. when a problem surfaces
B. during the planning phase
C. during the close-out phase
D. after the project schedule has been published