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Project Cost Management includes the pr ocesses required to ensure that the project is completed within the approved budget. Figure 7-l provides an overview of the following major processes:
项目费用管理包括在批准的预算内完成项目所需的过程。图 7-1 提供下面各过程的概括。
7.l Resource Planning—determining what resources (People, equipment, materials) and what quantities of each should be used to perform project activities.
7.2 Cost Estimating —developing an approximation (estimate) of the costs of the resources needed to co mplete project activities.
7.3 Cost Budgeting —allocating the overall cost estimate to individual work items.
7.4 Cost Control—controlling changes to the project budget.
These processes interact with each othe r and with the processes in the other knowledge areas as well. Each process may involve effort from one or more individuals or groups of indi viduals based on the needs of the project. Each process generally occurs at least on ce in every project phase.
Although the processes are pres ented here as discrete el ements with well-defined interfaces, in practice they may overlap and in teract in ways not detailed here. Process interactions are discussed in detail in Chapter 3.
尽管这里描述的过程有定义很好的接口,并且是独立、离散的要素,实际上它们以这里未描述的方式重叠和交互作用。第3 章中详细讨论过程的交互作用。
Project cost management is primarily concerned with the cost of the resources needed to complete project activities. Howe ver, project cost management should also consider the effect of project decisions on the cost of using the project product. For example, limiting the number of design reviews may reduce the cost of the project at the expense of an increase in the customer 's operating costs. This broader view of project cost management is often called life-cycle costing.
In many application areas predicting a nd analyzing the prospective financial performance of the project product is done outside the project. In others (e.g., capital facilities projects), project cost management also includes this work. When such predictions and analysis are included, project cost manage ment will include additional processes and numerous general management techniques such as return on investment, discounted cash flow, payback analysis, and others.
Project cost management should consider the information needs of the project stakeholder—different stakeholders may meas ure project costs in different ways and at different times. For example, the cost of a procurement item may be measured when committed, ordered, delivered, incurred, or recorded for accounting purposes.
When project costs are used as a component of a reward an d recognition system (reward and recognition systems are discus sed in Section, controllable and uncontrollable costs should be estimated and budgeted separately to ensure the rewards reflect actual performance.
当项目费用被用作奖励和认可系统(见9.3.2.3 节)的一个组成部分时,为确保奖励放映实际的执行情况,可控的和不可控的费用应分别估计和预算。
On some projects, especially smaller ones, resource planning, cost estimating, and cost budgeting are so tightly linked that they are viewed as a single process (e.g., they may be performed by a single individual over a relatively short period of time). They are presented here as distinct processes because the tools and techniques for each are different.
7.1 Resource Planning (编制资源计划)
Resource planning involves determining what physical resources (people, equipment, materials) and what quantities of each should be used to perform project activities. It must be closely coordinated with cost estimating (described in Section 7.2). For example:
.A construction project team will need to be familiar with local building codes. Such knowledge is often readily available at virtually no cost by using local labor. However, if the 1ocal labor pool lacks experience with unusual or specialized construction techniques, the additional cost for a consultant mwht be the most effective way to secure knowledge of the local building codes.
.An automotive design team should be fa miliar with the latest in automated assembly techniques. The requisite know ledge might be Obtained by hiring a consultant, by sending a designer to a semi nar on robotics, or by including someone from manufacturing as a member of the team.
7.1.1 Inputs to Resource Planning (编制资源计划的输入)
.1 Work breakdown structure. The work breakdown stru cture (WBS, described in Section identifies the project elements that will need resources and thus is the primary input to resource planning. Any relevant outputs from other planning processes should be provid ed through the WBS to ensure proper control.
.1 工作分解结构。工作分解结构(见 节)确定需要资源的项目要素,它是编制资源计划的主要输入。其它计划过程的输出应由WBS提供。
.2 Historical information. Historical information regarding what types of resources were required for similar work on previous projects should be used if available.
.2 历史信息。在可能的条件下,应该使用以前类似工作所需资源的这一历史信息。
.3 Scope statement. The scope statement (described in Section 5.2.3.l) contains the project justification and the project obje ctives, both of which should be considered explicitly during re source planning.
.3 范围说明。范围说明(见5.2.3.1 节)包括项目合理性和项目目标,两者都应在资源计划中明确地予以考虑。
.4 Resource pool description. Knowledge of what res ources (peop1e, equipment, material) are potentially available is necessary for resource planning. The amount of detail and the level of specificity of the resource pool description will vary For example, during the early phases of an e ngineering design pr oject, the pool may include "junior and senior engineers" in large numbers. During later phases of the same project, however, the pool may be limited to those individuals who are knowledgeable about the project as a result of having worked on the earlier phases.
.4 资源库说明。在编制资源计划时需要了解哪些资源(人、设备、材料)可供使用。资源库说明的细节数量和特性水平是不同的。例如,在工程设计项目的早期阶段,资源库中有大量的“工程师和高级工程师”。在后期阶段,资源库中仅限于那些因为参加了早期阶段而熟悉本项目的人员。
.5 Organizational policies. The policies of the performing organization regarding staffing and the rental or purchase of s upplies and equipment must be considered during resource planning.

.5 组织政策。在编制资源计划时,必须考虑执行组织关于人员、租用或购买物资和设备的政策。

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