信管网 > 设供应商供应零件的关系模式为SP(Sno,Pno,Qty),其中Sno表示供应商号,Pno表示零件号 > 网友跟帖  



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信管网cnitpm606012210***:   [回复]
解析: select sno from sp where sno in (select sno from sp where pno in(select pno from sp where sno=“168“)); 或者: select sno from sp spx where exists (select * from sp spy where spy.sno=1168“ and exists (selectfrom sp spz where spz.sno=spx.sno and spz.pno=spy.pno));

信管网cnitpm606012210***:   [回复]
解析: select *from sp where sno in (select sno from sp where pno in(select pno from sp fromsp where sno=“168“)); 或者: select *from sp spx where exists (select * from sp spy where spy.sno=1168“ and exists (selectfrom sp spz where spz.sno=spx.sno and spz.pno=spy.pno));

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